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Welcome to the world of Jeri
Landers. If you like whimsical, nostalgic and light hearted art you may
just enjoy yourself here. Within the "pages" of this site, you will find:
Old World art illustration in the form of Jeri's lovely Books, true, traditional
folk art in the form of Painted Papercutting and Scherenschnitte, and a
delightfully humorous greeting card line on the Hopalong
Greetings page.
In Jeri's world, art is a
lifestyle, to be expressed in a multitude of ways. Here on these pages, you can to visit her humble, but cozy home,
her ever changing gardens and while you are here, meet her fine family of
creatures, great and small. All of these elements combined , inspire Jeri to
create artwork which will certainly appeal to fellow "kindred spirits" . So
please ,take a few moments to visit us here, in Hopalong Hollow.