Jeri's Gardens Page 2 (Using what nature provides, things you find, salvage, or create from scratch) The Potting Shed My original plan for a garden shed was to restore an ancient chicken coop, Unfortunately, it fell down before we were able to do so. However, I was able to salvage most of the barnwood and all the inside timbers that had not yet rotted. I will be using these items for a different project. Instead, We built a new one using pine boards from the local sawmill. It's a simple little building with a metal roof . Inside is a stone floor ( of course) I don't know why I call this the potting shed, I do not POT anything in it. I do, however, put all my garden goodies inside, in a most attractive manner.
The red door came from an antiques shop and was in a crate of goods from England... I reallly like that, being an Anglophile and all, It has beautiful stained glass windows and a little mail slot. It is May 29th and all these lovelies are blooming in my gardens, I can't believe it! For years I have kept from picking my flowers because I wanted folks to be able to enjoy them from the road, but I have blooms to spare this year, HURRAH!!
This simple pergola was built by James and I, well, mostly James.He cut the trees and we hauled them down the hill, through the meadow and across the road. We are not afraid of hard work. The goal is to have luscious grapes climbing up those posts. Well, I planted 8 grape vines. So far, they are doing only OK> Therefore, to fill in the barren looking arbor, I will plant those trusty Morning Glory seeds this Spring and they will cover the nakedness of the arbor until my grape vines grow up, up, up! I am also planting a "Cecile Brunner" climbing rose. I read, it will COVER a house!
This is the stone wall made from broken concrete.... salvage, salvage! In Hopalong Hollowscaping things must NOT be perfect, rather, slightly crooked, bent and informal. Just like these wild and crazy SUNFLOWERS!
I must be part Irish, for I love to build stone walls. This is my latest. and my tallest so far,March 2012.
I simply added about 3 ft to an existing wall that I had built into a creek bank. So, from the creekside it looks quite tall, but from the front garden side, only the 3 foot tall.
I am not much for formal exercise, but the way I figure, if a woman of my age, is hauling stone all over the yard, she might stay fit for just a bit longer.. till her back gives way
This is the front yard garden, I have been trying to establish it for about 3 years... there is no more grass here. I planted 2 japanese maples, hostas,iris, many perennials and annuals each year. I also try my hand at seeding this garden. It looks pretty bad in this photo, but is IS MARCH and many little plants are returning.PRAISE BE! You know your stone wall is a success... when a rooster crows upon it,
And a feline takes a stroll all the way across.
Where do we get these stones? We find them in the creek, along the roadside or in the field.Last year the county put in a new water system which required much bulldoze work. Tons of stones were unearthed and they had to get rid of them. We asked if we could have a load and they kindly obliged by dumping a truckload in our driveway! Some of them are enormous and we used those to create a new drive area.
Animals in the Garden We do allow critters in the garden... as long as they mind their p's and q's. You see, animals love to garden. There is nothing more exhilarating for birds than digging in manure and cultivating fresh black earth. After all, all the inhabitants of the Hollow like to lend a hand... er a claw, to the garden efforts. One of the most important additions the birds add to the gardens is this: BEAUTY. I have to tell you that I have had my share of battles with chickens in the gardens, for they love to dig, dig , dig! But who can resist the absolute stunning beauty of a PEACOCK in the garden??! Moses loves this front garden, he never squishes my plants... well, almost never. But I always forgive him cuz, well, beautiful people can get away with just about anything! Here is Mavis Mudd, she is a wonderful mother. That is why I slipped 2 orphaned eggs beneath her to hatch. A sweet little duck and a buff chick. She raised them in the Garden Shed, so naturally I would allow her to hang out in the garden with her wee ones.There is much damage that a chicken can do in the garden, but I have devised many ways to diminish much of it. I will explain later, in the meantime.. Demelza, the red feathered beauty, suns herself amidst the muscari.
TO BE CONTINUED... Daffodils Daffodils are a glorious, easy, self propagating bulb that will fill your gardens to the brim and beyond. This grouping of naturalized yellow daffs grow along our creek bank. I wonder about the woman who planted these so many years ago.Every year I dig up about 1/4 of these and plant the bulbs in other gardens. It doesn't matter that I split them up, they simply multiply over the winter and produce a more beautiful showing than before! To add to the short blooming season of these little Daffs, I purchased a bulk order of daffs in different varieties, meant to perform throughout the growing season. They really did TIP Bulbs are a great investment. If you can only spend a bit of money, buy daffodils, muscari and Hyacinths, daylillies and siberian Iris. They will reward you more and more each season. They will spread and spread, you can split them up and add them to many more areas of your yard. There are SO many varieties, and when under planted with other lovely bulbs: tulips, hyacinth, muscari, it is a treat for the eyes and the nostrils. I adore tulips (after all, I am part Dutch) but, let's face it... THEY are not as reliable as the other bulbs I mentioned. and must be replanted every year for a really good show. Gardens in May 2012
THe front Yard garden
This shot was toooooo good to pass up, no camera trickery here, just the Peabody boys enjoying the Goat Garden. and me with muddy knees,
The Goat Garden
All Copyrights Belong to Jeri Landers © 2000